Jon Hering

Scholarships Lead

Throughout Jon’s career in EdTech, he has developed an expertise in social mobility by bridging the gap between education and business. In his current role as Scholarships Lead at Blackbullion, Jon supports large businesses like Nationwide and Amazon, and smaller organisations such as STACK Infrastructure and Maven Securities, with the development of their social mobility strategies. While at Blackbullion, Jon launched the UK’s first-ever National Scholarships Week, where hundreds of thousands of pounds were released through new scholarships for underrepresented talent. Before joining the EdTech sector, Jon was a management consultant for strategic HR at Mercer.


Day 2
July 25, 2024
4:25 am

Panel Series E: Pathways to Progress: Promoting Social Mobility in Today's World

25 July
Time:  4:25 am - 5:05 pm
Location:  First Floor Expo

In this session, our panelists will examine the challenges, opportunities, and strategies for promoting social mobility and economic empowerment. From addressing systemic inequalities to creating pathways for upward mobility, we'll explore how individuals, communities, and organisations can work together to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

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