About UnderOne Festival

Celebrating Unity through Diversity

UnderOne Festival, a global gathering dedicated to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). We are more than just an event; we are a movement that celebrates the power of unity through diversity. At UnderOne, we believe in the transformational potential of inclusive communities and innovative ideas. Join us on a journey of inspiration, connection, and change.

Who We Are - Advisory Board

Our distinguished Advisory Board consists of experts, thought leaders, and advocates in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion and beyond. They provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that the festival remains at the forefront of DEI innovation.

Our Mission

Empowering Unity: Our mission is to empower individuals and organisations to embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion as a catalyst for positive change in the world.

Our Vision

At UnderOne Festival, our vision is centred on creating a world where diversity flourishes, conversations empower, connections endure, and change is catalysed.

Our Values

Championing Inclusivity

Inspiring Innovation

Embracing Authenticity

Uniting through Diversity

Prioritising Well-being

Fostering Connections

Leading Global Change

Inspiring Innovation

  • Innovative Solutions: We celebrate and showcase groundbreaking solutions, strategies, and practices that drive progress in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
  • Forward-Thinking: We encourage a forward-thinking mindset, pushing the boundaries of conventional wisdom to find new and creative ways to foster DEI.

Unforgettable Connections

At our core, we believe in building strong connections and fostering a sense of community that goes beyond the festival itself. Our platform is designed to promote diverse networking, bringing together people from all walks of life and embracing different voices and perspectives. Join us in creating meaningful connections that last.

Embrace Your Authentic Self

Crafting a safe and inclusive haven, we celebrate authenticity, enabling every participant to be their true selves, free from judgment. Here, we respect and honour your individuality and unique experiences.

Join the Movement

  • Global Impact: By participating in the Underone Festival, you become part of a global movement for positive change, contributing to a more equitable and inclusive world.
  • Active Engagement: We invite everyone to actively engage, share their insights, and take action in their communities to drive DEI progress.

Unity Through Diversity

  • Strength in Differences: We recognize that our differences are not a barrier but our greatest strength, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive community.
  • Collective Power: Together, we harness the collective power of diverse perspectives to address DEI challenges and effect change.

Warm Welcome

  • Inclusive Greeting: From the moment you arrive, you’ll receive a warm and inclusive welcome, ensuring you feel seen, heard, and valued.
  • Open Arms: Our open and inviting atmosphere fosters a sense of belonging for all participants, regardless of background or identity.

Wellness and Healthy Mind

  • Holistic Well-being: We prioritize not only your intellectual engagement but also your physical and mental well-being during the festival.
  • Mindful Practice: Mindfulness spaces, wellness workshops, and resources are available to support your mental health journey.

Advisory Board

Our distinguished Advisory Board consists of experts, thought leaders, and advocates in the field of diversity, equity, and inclusion and beyond. They provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that the festival remains at the forefront of DEI innovation.

Get Your Tickets Now

Secure your place at the forefront of DEI innovation. Book your ticket and join the global movement of positive change. Whether you’re an individual seeking inspiration or a group fostering inclusivity within your organisation, your journey begins here!

Headline Sponsor

Supporting Sponsors

Meet our valued partners who share our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn about the organisations contributing to the success of the event and explore potential partnership opportunities. Together, we build a stronger, more inclusive community.
Small World PR logo


The festival is hybrid and will run from July 24th to 25th, 2024.  It will be held in-person at the Learning Hub, University of Northampton, and virtual via the Brella App.

Tickets can be purchased on our website under the “Get Your Tickets” section. We offer Virtual Passes for digital access and In-Person Passes for those attending physically.

No, pass types are distinct. Please choose the one that suits your preference.
Yes, both Virtual and In-Person Pass holders will have access to networking sessions and events.

Visit the “Speakers” section on our website and fill out the speaker application form. We’ll be in contact with you soon after to discuss.

Visit the “Sponsor” section and complete the application form. We’ll be in contact with you soon after to discuss.

Yes, please visit the “Exhibitor” section and fill out the form. We’ll be in contact with you soon after to discuss.

The festival venue is designed to be accessible. We work hard to capture your accessibility requirements from the minute you buy your ticket.  Our goal is to make the festival accessible and inclusive for all.  If you have any specific requirements, please contact hello@underonefestival.com

We will have a diverse variety of hot and cold food options, catering to all. If you have a specific dietary requirement, please highlight this when you purchase your ticket to the event.

The festival agenda is best suited for adults.

Yes, most sessions will be recorded and made available to ticket holders post-event.

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    Be the first to receive exclusive updates, breaking news, and insider information about UnderOne Festival. Don’t miss out on exciting lineup reveals, captivating speaker highlights, and chances to participate in thrilling competitions. If you need any further help please get in touch via email: hello@underonefestival.com

    Copyright © 2024 UnderOne Festival. All Rights Reserved.