Tiwalola Ogunlesi

Confidence Coach, Author, Founder
Confident and Killing It

Tiwalola Ogunlesi is a globally recognised coach specialising in positive psychology, an international speaker, an author and the founder of Confident and Killing It. 

Confident and Killing It is a purpose-driven organisation and community that wakes women up to their worth so they can be confident and unstoppable and dare to live the life they truly desire. Through engaging and practical workshops, media and coaching programmes, Tiwalola equips women with the tools they need to overcome fear and self-doubt, programme their minds for success and live out their biggest dreams. Her first book Confident and Killing It was published by HarperCollins in July 2022, to great acclaim. 

Since starting in 2018, she’s upskilled over 10,000 women worldwide and delivered engaging experiences for brands and organisations such as Google, Meta, The Times, Deloitte, Morgan Stanley, Viacom CBS, Spotify, Squarespace, UN Women UK, The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, and many more.

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