Chris Pinner

Founder & Coach

Chris started his career in Investment Banking and Strategy Consulting, where projects regularly demanded working weekends, 12+ hour days and the odd 36-hour shift.Since founding Innerfit, Chris has led executive-level coaching programmes, facilitated team and leadership away days across Europe, and delivered a mix of keynote talks for organisations and audiences of all shapes and sizes.


Day 2
July 25, 2024
12:10 pm

Panel Discussion D: Where's Your Head At? Addressing Burnout

25 July
Time:  12:10 pm - 12:50 pm
Location:  Town Hall

In this session, our panelists will explore the intersection of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with mental health, focusing on the pervasive issue of burnout. We'll discuss how systemic inequalities and workplace dynamics can contribute to burnout, particularly among marginalised groups, and examine strategies for fostering inclusive environments that prioritise mental wellness.

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